Aga and Rayburn cookers are very popular, especially among people looking for a solution to high energy efficiency. They both look absolutely fantastic and creates a wonderful atmosphere in your kitchen. Whether as a series of beautiful colors. And both have a lot of work to cook delicious food. So what's the difference?
Opinions vary. Aga stoves seem to pip the place when it comes to cooking, but some people prefer the Rayburn. The Aga cooker has the largest and mostspacious ovens, and the oven is hot always. So you can cook a pie for four in the morning if you want! If you are a dedicated foodies and regular ten or more people for dinner, you may find you need four oven Aga. Both Aga Cookers and Rayburn cookers feature rugged, efficient cast iron stoves, perfect for slow cooking cheap cuts of meat into a veritable feast of tenderness.
If you live in a terraced house you could find a range Aga is a bit 'too efficient,offers much more heat than necessary. If you do not like, and suitable equipment are worn out your heater is in order and your boiler is less than 10 years, may be better for you, an oil or gas form Aga or "dry" Rayburn - one that doesn 't heat your water.
Space is important. Aga and Rayburn are generous in size. Suppose you have a space of at least three feet wide and 67 cm deep - it is about 39 x 27 inches - you should be able to fit in the oven Aga is twocan have a chimney for your Aga, until you have at hand an open fireplace. The size of your family has. If you have children, could be the Aga the best solution. If you are a couple, both are working, the Rayburn is best for you, because the heater can be set with a timer.
Rayburn are popular with people who are a lot of hot water at regular intervals. If you have a large kitchen and you want your microwave oven as a back-up role first, a second is a stove to heat the room Rayburnalso above the kitchen! The Aga stove is four inches deep, which fits some fans cooking. You can change the cooking temperature faster with a Rayburn, so it is easier to control. And unlike Rayburn, Aga radiators do not heat if the bolt on the boiler.
Obviously it's horses for courses! But there are a lot before making a decision into account. It 'important to consult an expert before buying an Aga or Rayburn cooker. Whatever you choose, it is desirable that you know the assembly,usually increases the value of your home, so that a winner in both cases.
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